Friday, May 15, 2009

Mc Death

I just ate mc donalds for the last time.

It tasted like garbage, and now i feel like garbage.

this is gonna go straight to my ass... i can feel it expanding already.

- nauseous

on a lighter note; my puppy is the cutest - i'm in love!!!!!
he is just sitting here beside me all cute and lovely.


Not only is Jennifer Lopez's bum phenomenal;
her new song (what is love) is unreal!


I just finished looking at the esquire magazine featuring Megan Fox.

I've come to the conclusion that she is amazing and I'm genuinely jealous.

also; on a completely other note... twitter? wtf?

Ive been trying to find friends on it... but I just feel like a total dork..

I just can't seem to figure out why anyone would want to follow me and

know what I'm doing...

for future reference - I'm doing nothing. I never do anything.

- m